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Top 10 Mistakes Homeowners Make When Renting Out Their Property

Top 10 Mistakes Homeowners Make When Renting Out Their Property

Renting out a property can be an excellent source of passive income, but it’s not without challenges. Many homeowners, especially first-time landlords, make avoidable mistakes that lead to costly repairs, legal disputes, and tenant turnover. Whether you're a new landlord or a seasoned property owner, understanding these common pitfalls can help you maximize your rental income while avoiding headaches.

In this article, we’ll cover the top 10 mistakes homeowners make when renting out their property and offer actionable solutions to ensure your rental venture is as profitable and stress-free as possible.

1. Not Setting the Right Rental Price

The Mistake:

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is not doing proper research on rental prices. If you set the rent too high, you risk long vacancy periods, while underpricing can lead to missed income opportunities.

The Solution:

Conduct Market Research: Compare similar properties in your area by checking rental platforms like Zillow or Craigslist. Look at the neighborhood, property condition, and amenities to set a competitive price.

Hire a Property Manager: Professional property managers have access to detailed market data and can set a rental price that maximizes occupancy and profitability.

Key Takeaway:

Pricing your property correctly is critical for reducing vacancy periods and ensuring consistent rental income.

2. Skipping Tenant Screening

The Mistake:

Many homeowners make the mistake of rushing to fill a vacancy by not conducting thorough tenant screening. This can lead to renting to individuals with poor payment history or those who may damage the property.

The Solution:

Perform Background Checks: Always run background checks, verify employment, and request rental history.

Use a Professional Screening Service: Companies like TransUnion SmartMove offer comprehensive tenant screening, ensuring you have reliable renters.

Key Takeaway:

Proper tenant screening minimizes the risk of late payments, property damage, and legal disputes.

3. Failing to Have a Solid Lease Agreement

The Mistake:

Using a generic or poorly written lease agreement can lead to confusion or legal issues down the road. Vague terms may leave homeowners vulnerable to tenant disputes or costly legal fees.

The Solution:

Customize Your Lease: Ensure the lease covers essential terms like rent due dates, maintenance responsibilities, and tenant obligations.

Consult a Legal Professional: Having an attorney or property manager review your lease agreement ensures compliance with local rental laws.

Key Takeaway:

A well-drafted lease protects both you and your tenant, setting clear expectations from the beginning.

4. Ignoring Regular Maintenance

The Mistake:

Neglecting routine maintenance can lead to bigger issues and unhappy tenants. Small problems, like leaky faucets or drafty windows, can become costly repairs if not addressed promptly.

The Solution:

Create a Maintenance Schedule: Regularly inspect your property for potential issues, and handle minor repairs before they become major problems.

Hire a Property Management Company: They can coordinate repairs and ensure the property is well-maintained.

Key Takeaway:

Staying on top of maintenance increases tenant satisfaction and prevents expensive repairs in the future.

5. Poor Communication with Tenants

The Mistake:

A lack of communication or delayed responses to tenant concerns can lead to frustration, tenant turnover, and a damaged reputation as a landlord.

The Solution:

Establish Communication Channels: Use email, phone, or property management software to ensure timely responses to tenant inquiries.

Be Proactive: Reach out regularly to ensure tenants are happy and resolve issues quickly.

Key Takeaway:

Effective communication helps build trust with tenants, improving tenant retention and overall satisfaction.

6. Not Knowing Local Laws and Regulations

The Mistake:

Failing to comply with local rental laws can lead to fines, lawsuits, or eviction complications. Many homeowners are unaware of legal requirements like fair housing laws, eviction procedures, or property safety standards.

The Solution:

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about local regulations in your area, including Denver’s specific rental rules and tenant rights.

Hire a Property Manager: A knowledgeable property management company ensures compliance with all local laws, protecting you from legal risks.

Key Takeaway:

Understanding local laws is essential to avoiding costly legal disputes and maintaining a positive relationship with tenants.

7. Underestimating the Importance of Marketing

The Mistake:

Some homeowners think that listing their property on a single platform is enough to attract tenants. Poor marketing often results in longer vacancy periods and fewer tenant applications.

The Solution:

Leverage Multiple Platforms: List your property on Zillow, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and local rental sites to reach a wider audience.

Use High-Quality Photos and Descriptions: Professional photos and detailed property descriptions can significantly increase interest in your rental.

Key Takeaway:

Effective marketing ensures your property gets noticed, minimizing vacancies and maximizing rental income.

8. Failing to Budget for Unexpected Costs

The Mistake:

Many homeowners don’t budget for unexpected costs like emergency repairs, vacancy periods, or property management fees, leading to financial strain.

The Solution:

Create a Contingency Fund: Set aside at least 10-15% of your rental income for unexpected expenses.

Plan for Vacancy Periods: Factor in potential downtime between tenants, especially if you’re renting in a competitive market.

Key Takeaway:

A well-planned budget ensures you’re prepared for any financial surprises that may arise during property management.

9. Not Having Proper Insurance Coverage

The Mistake:

Homeowners sometimes assume their standard homeowner’s insurance covers rental properties, which often leaves them underinsured.

The Solution:

Purchase Landlord Insurance: This policy covers property damage, liability, and lost rental income.

Require Renters Insurance: Encourage or require tenants to carry renters insurance to protect their personal belongings.

Key Takeaway:

Having proper insurance coverage protects your investment and reduces liability risks.

10. Trying to Self-Manage Without Experience

The Mistake:

Self-managing a property may seem like a cost-saving solution, but without experience, it can quickly become overwhelming, leading to mismanagement and potential losses.

The Solution:

Hire a Property Management Company: Professional managers handle everything from tenant screening and rent collection to maintenance and legal compliance, allowing you to focus on other priorities.

Invest in Property Management Software: If you choose to self-manage, tools like Buildium or AppFolio can help automate rent collection, maintenance requests, and tenant communication.

Key Takeaway:

Property management requires time, experience, and knowledge—hiring professionals ensures your rental is managed effectively.


Renting out your property can be a lucrative investment, but only if it’s done right. By avoiding these common mistakes—like incorrect pricing, poor tenant screening, and ignoring legal regulations—you can ensure a smoother rental process, happier tenants, and more consistent rental income.

If you’re looking for professional support to maximize your rental’s potential, consider working with Walters & Company Property Management. Our experienced team will help you avoid these pitfalls and keep your investment profitable.

Interested in learning more about how professional property management can enhance your rental property’s success? Contact Walters & Company Property Management today for a free consultation and see how we can help you make the most of your rental property.
